Thursday, March 1, 2012

Tried "No-Poo" & Oil Cleansing

So I tried out the "No-Poo" method for my hair. This is where you use a water and baking soda mixture to wash your hair and a apple cider vinegar and water mixture as conditioner. It's cheap and easy and works for many people. However, I tried it for about two weeks and my hair went from being in okay shape to horrible. It was wiry, rough, and dry with no shine at all. I decided that I had had it and this method just didn't work for me. Before trying this method I had switched to Avalon organic products and wasn't happy with the result. After trying the "No-Poo" method I was almost hating my hair.
I have since tried Giovanni Organic Hair Care. I have been using this for about three weeks now and I LOOOVE it!!! I am current using the tea tree shampoo and the leave in conditioner. I also use the frizz hair serum, but only when I straighten my hair. My hair feels light and healthy. There is also a softness and a shine to my hair that I haven't seen in quite sometime! I will admit though that the Giovanni Organic Hair products are a bit on the pricey side at about $8 to $9 per bottle for the shampoo and conditioner (8.5 ounces each). The no frizz serum was about $12 or $13 (I think) for a 2.75 ounce bottle. However, I am willing to pay a higher price for good quality hair products that don't have a bunch of crap in them.
Now for the oil cleansing. This sounds crazy and I got the recipe for Tsh Oxenreider's book. Her recipe uses a mix of olive oil and caster oil; I also add a few drops of essential oils.  Depending on how oily or dry your skin is you adjust the ratio of olive oil and caster oil; for dry skin you add more olive oil and less caster. I have been doing this for about a month and I really like it! It is simple and makes my skin feel surprisingly clean and great. Some days I do have to add a little bit of virgin coconut oil as a moisturizer but most day I just oil cleanse.
All in all I am glad that I tried both of these methods they are both relatively cheap, however, only one of them worked out for me. I am always willing to try something new though especially if it happens to be both healthy and inexpensive! I highly recommend trying these, just because the "no-poo" method didn't work for me doesn't mean it won't work for you (many people love it).

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