Thursday, May 29, 2008


I plan to try cloth diapers eventually, however, currently I don't have the money. From what I have gathered, the initial cost of cloth diapers can be a little pricey but over all it saves you money. 
As far as disposable diapers goes, I have tried a few different varieties. I shop at Publix and their brand of diapers are really great. I also like Pampers, though a little more pricey, they are really great. Another diaper which is also really great but costs less than Pampers is Luvs. Luvs are great and cost less. 
I have also tried Huggies. I was not impressed with Huggies. My daughter had a blow out practically every time. Huggies just doesn't hold up in my experience. Another diaper that I have tried, which also doesn't hold up is Parents Choice. I saw these at Wal Mart and thought they'd be a good buy. I found them worse than Huggies. 
I would consider either Luvs or Pampers the best, with Publix brand coming in a close second. 

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Baby Carriers

From my conversations with experienced moms, I havw found the two preferred carriers to be the Snugli brand and the Maya Wraps. I bought a Snugli carrier and was given a Maya. While the Snugli seems to be very comfortable to me, my daughter does not seem to like being in it. She loves to Maya wrap though. I have to admit when I saw the large piece of fabric with two on one end I was skeptical on whether or not it was safe and would hold my baby. However, I was assured by more than one mother that it was great. So I gave it a try at home and quickly became a fan. Not only does my daughter love to be carried in it, it is also very comfortable for me. I use almost every time we go out and often around the house when I need two hands. My husband even uses it to carry our daughter from time to time. The web site has video on how to wear it and the different positions you can carry your baby. I have the link in my helpful baby sites section. The great thing about the Maya wrap is I can use until she is three or four (depending on weight), where as the Snugli I would have to keep upgraded as she grows. Though I still think the Snuglis are great, my daughter just isn't interested.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Benefits of Breast Feeding

I thought I would share some of the benefits of breast feeding. I mentioned in a previous blog that breast feeding was beneficial, but I realized many people may not know the benefits. While I was pregnant I researched the benefits of breast feeding. The information I am giving you came from a variety of sources: Internet, news and magazine articles, books, and conversations with experienced moms. The most helpful book I found was: The Breastfeeding Book by Martha and William Sears. They are a husband and wife team: she's a nurse and he's a pediatrician.

Benefits for the baby:
1) Stronger immune system (which means less doctors visits)
2) "Children who were breastfed have higher IQ scores averaging 7 to 10 points higher than children who were formula fed." (The Breastfeeding Book, chapter 1)
3) Better nutrition (breast milk has less fats and better nutrients that formula)
4) Better for digestion and intestines (a baby's intestines are still developing and sometimes formula can be less friendly to a baby's developing intestines)
5) Poo diapers are less stinky
6) Promotes better eyes, hearing, breathing, and hearts (The Breastfeeding Book, chapter 1)
7) Healthier skin

Benefits for the mom:
1) Faster recovery from delivery
2) Faster weight loss
3) Reduced risk of breast, uterine, and ovarian cancers (The Breastfeeding Book, chapter 1)
4) Promotes relaxation
5) Less likely to suffer from osteoporosis
6) Provides a way to closely bond with your baby
7) You are less likely to have a period while breast feeding and breast feeding can also help with natural child spacing; "...most [breastfeeding] mothers do not ovulate and do not have menstrual periods." (The Breastfeeding Book, chapter 3)

***Note: There are variables and every woman is different, so don't solely rely on breast feeding as a preventative measure for pregnancy. I am just sharing information I have found, you still may want do some of your own research.***

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Breast Feeding Isn't Always Easy!

After reading all of the many benefits my beautiful little one would gain from being breast, not to mention there are many benefits for mom too, I made the decision to breast feed. I read books and talked with an La Leche consultant prior to giving birth, and felt like I couldn't be more prepared. Boy was I wrong! Though, the talks and the readings did help, however, experience always proves to be the best teacher. From the very beginning my little one and I were off to a bad start. She was getting enough to eat, but I was so sore and her latch on was not quite right. It probably was not until she was about two months old that we were both comfortable and happy. At times, it was so painful for her to nurse that I would just cry the whole time. However, we got through it and i believe that it was worth it. 

What I learned: 
1) Talk to someone, you're not the only one who has problems
2) Take advantage of the products made for you, there are plenty of products available for breast feeding mothers
3) Be patient and relax
4) Be determined
5) Unless you have a medical condition there is probably nothing wrong with your milk production, you can do this

Products that worked best for me:
1) Lansinoh cream (This was a life saver! Once I started using it after every feeding and pump I had no problems.)
2) Soothies (These are reusable gel pads that you can stick in the fridge and then place inside your bra. They provide a great deal of relief!)
3) Breast shields (These are plastic shields that allow air to get to you nipples but keeps your clothing from touching them. This helps when you are really sensitive.)
4) Warm compresses

A book that really helped is:
The Breastfeeding Book: Everything You Need to Know About Nursing Your Child from Birth through Weaning by Martha Sears

I hope this helps you. I am still a huge advocate for breast feeding and I think it's important for women to know that just because it doesn't automatically happen doesn't mean you should give up. I think it's important for women to know that other women probably went through the same problems.