Friday, June 6, 2008

Saving Money on Groceries

There are a few things I do that has really saved me money. One thing that I highly recommend, that is if you shop at Publix, is to join the Publix Baby Club. It's free to join and you get some really great coupons. I joined about a month or two before I had my daughter and received several coupons in the mail. All coupons were redeemable only at Publix, so if you don't shop at Publix it may not be worth while for you. The coupons included a couple of free items (rubbing alcohol, Beach Nut Cereal) and several buy one, get one free items. There were coupons for formula and coupons for nursing items if you breast fed, such as coupons for disposable nursing pads and Lansinoh cream. 
Another way to save money is to collect coupon circulars found in the news paper. There is a web site called that you can go to and find the best deals. The lady who is head of it uses the coupons circulars and tells you when and what coupons to use to save the most money. It takes a little time and planning but the savings is worth it. We often save 50% and sometimes more, thus cutting our grocery bill in half! We have a Publix and a Kroger that are right across the street from one another, so I often go to to see which is cheaper and split my grocery bill accordingly. That way I don't any more gas since they are right across the street and I am getting the best bargain for my money. I have the couponmom web site in my links section, so feel free to check it out.