Monday, January 23, 2012

One Bite at a Time Book Review Part2

I finished One Bite as a Time by Tsh Oxenreider and I have to say I did enjoy it. There are many projects I have already begun to incorporate into our schedule and family life. In addition to the before mentioned projects in my previous post, I plan to incorporate dates with my hubby and dates with the kids. Right now we have 2 small children (toddler and preschool age) but I think it's good to start this one-on-one quality time early. My husband and I decided that we would switch off every other week, so that we each get one-on-one time with each child and it's special and individual to that child. I am already looking forward to these "dates".
I am also working on a chore system for my kiddos (future posts on how it all turns out).

I am also trying out the no "poo" shampoo system & the oil cleansing method for my face. I let you know my thoughts on this later as well. I really like her downloadable "to do" list which I also may try out.

All in all I would definitely recommend this book to any mom and maybe even interested dads. Hope you enjoy it and find it as helpful as I did.

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