Thursday, January 12, 2012

Book Review on One Bite at a TIme

I am reading One Bite at and Time: 52 Projects for Making Life Simple by Tsh Oxenreider as part of the Booking It 2012 book club with Life as a Mom. One Bite as a TIme is full of projects (52) to help simplify your life. The book has the option of doing one project a week if you prefer and/or taking them on in order at you leisure. The table of contents is a checklist so that you can check off what you've accomplished, which means you don't necessarily have to go in order. Each project is in a category, so you could even do the projects according to categories if you wish. I like the set-up of the book and each project has a page for notes following the project with helpful links.
I have made it through project 27 "Streamlining Your Email". I have already started unsubscribing to unnecessary &/or unwanted emails this morning and it felt really good.
Some of the projects I have already begun to put into place but still enjoyed Tsh's take on the project. I really liked Project 1 and its concept "Eat Your Frog First Thing Everyday"! I think Tsh and I have the same frog so I am going to seriously work on that.
I am working on downsizing my magazine collection through scanning important or wanted articles/recipes. I have also started having family meetings with my husband which has really helped us stay on the same page and tackle things together (households tasks, budget, bills, etc). Two really important projects that I definitely want to get going is the Essential Papers File (project 17) and Organize Your Files (project 21). I really like the rotate your children's toys idea.
I also really like her thoughts on the Staycation. We may try this in 2012. I also want to work on turning the TV off more and encouraging my children to play without the TV. We don't have cable and use NetFlix for kids shows so I don't really worry about commercials so much with them but they probably watch too much and half the time they are playing it is just running with no one watching anyway.

Some other resources that I can add for some of her projects that didn't see or would like to restate are:
Dave Ramsey
Sophie Uliano Gorgeously Green

I am looking forward to the next half of the book!


bridget said...

wow, good for you streamlining your email. that was definitely one of the projects i thought would be useful to do but i was not likely to get around to. even if it's just "one bite" its way to daunting for me.

Cyndy said...

Well, I am still taking the "One Bite" method as it were. As I check my email if it's one I know I will not read and know that I will not read anymore by that particular sender, instead of continuously deleting the emails I am unsubscribing. I can already see a big difference!