Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 Blog "Face Lift/Update"

I originally started this blog when my oldest babe was still in CD (cloth diapers). Now she is no longer in diapers (YEAH!) and my son is becoming interested in the potty. While I am still learning daily in the life of a parent, my babies are growing and learning as well and...well there not really babies anymore (even if they'll always be my babies). My daughter is a preschooler and my son is a toddler (and a one man wrecking crew all rolled into one).

So I am changing the focus of my blog to reflect that of my changing life. One thing I plan to do this year is blog more often and actually keep it up. I have been rather sporadic the the last few years. I am going to share my food experiences, healthy experiences, family experiences, crafty experiences and my book experiences. I hope to make this next year all in all more productive and fruitful in all aspects of my life.

For starters I am joining an online book club headed up by the blogger from Life as a Mom called BOOKING IT 2012. The first up is One Bite at a Time: 52 ways to Live Simply by Tsh Oxenreider mom blogger of Simple Mom.

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