Sunday, November 1, 2009

Findings on CD

Cloth diapers obviously have better for environment stamp on them, but they also can save you a great deal of money. Many types of cloth diapers fit babies from infancy to potty training, so you don't even have to worry with sizes. I read where cloth diapering can save you into the thousands within the first two to three years. In my house hold I estimate that we spend about $480 a year on disposable diapers, and that's with one toddler. We will soon have a new born, who will be using more diapers.
Here are a few quick tidbits I have learned:
Cloth diapers save you money and are good for the environment
Disposables take about 500 years to decompose in landfills
5% or less cloth diapered babies get diaper rashes but more than 50% of disposable diapered babies get diaper rashes

Four Main Types of Cloth Diapers (CD):
1) All In Ones (AIO) - no diaper cover needed, considered most leak proof
2) Fitted CD - require diaper cover but dry in less time than AIOs
3) Pre-Fold & Flat Diapers (old fashion CDs): require cover and use of pins or snappies; also can be used as burp cloths, or cleaning rags
4) Pocket Diapers - a water proof outer barrier is sewn to am inner moisture-wicking fabric, these two form a pocket for an absorbent insert (it sounds more complicated than it is);

The following sites I have found to be very helpful in anyone is interested:

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